
Light Therapy

1 session – £10
5 sessions – £30

10 sessions – £50

Light Therapy has now come to the mainstream in the beauty industry, however our professional grade equipment can do more than just make you beautiful!

Comfortable neoprene therapy pads are used over your areas of pain or tissue damage, or where rejuvenation is required. Blood flow is increased, and energy is delivered to your cells. The aim is to increase the rate of the body’s natural repair processes, to a level which overcomes the daily wear and tear and degradation.

Light therapy has been shown in over 50 years of independent research worldwide, to deliver powerful therapeutic benefits, including at least 24 positive changes at the cellular level.

Laser Light Therapy Device

For targeted work, such as on specific acupuncture meridians, or chakras, our new and exclusive imported Vitalizer is extremely effective, and needle-free. This can be used in combination with Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), to assist with specific issues due to stressful life events.

Sound Therapy (Vibrational Retraining)

Initial Session (90-120 minutes) – £99
Followup Session (60 minutes) – £60 (after 4-6 weeks)

The prestigious academic medical centre, the Mayo Clinic, is now able to put its name behind papers in a particularly exciting research field. They are now validating research that was done relating to bio-markers of disease, which actually show up in the human voice!

Through computer analysis, we can measure imbalances in your vocal sample, and provide complementary frequencies to bring you back to balance. This allows the body to do what it does best, and itself deal more easily with ailments, whether of physical or mental origin.

This is an extremely exciting, powerful, and promising new treatment, and we have only begun scratching the surface. With anxiety and mental health issues on the increase, this treatment could not have come at a more opportune time!

Kinetic Chain Release (KCR)

Initial Session (75-90 minutes) – £79
Followup Session (60 minutes) – £60 (not usually required)

Chronic postural imbalances are stored in the fascia surrounding your muscles. This can happen so gradually that we are unaware of just how imbalanced we have become. In order for your whole body to allow the subtle but necessary adjustments, in order to move freely again, there is more compliance if we begin from the ankle, and work our way up to the neck, releasing every point in a specific order.

After all, your tight neck will often be a compensation for a twisted hip, which itself may have got stuck that way due to coping with a knee or ankle injury many moons ago. Working only on the presenting area may work for a while, then the tightness will re-appear. Therefore, as soon as we have you out of pain, we may recommend a postural treatment to allow you to go longer between treatments (not that we don’t love seeing you!)